
Our Services

We provide support services for complex dog behaviour cases. We specialise in 'aggression and reactivity', be it towards other dogs or humans. We cover South Devon, including Paignton, Torquay, Brixham, Totnes, Newton Abbot, Teignmouth and Dawlish.

Did you know that the dog training and behaviour industry is unregulated ?  This can mean some self proclaimed dog behaviourists are not actually qualified or up to date with their education, and there is no accountability for their services or actions.

I ensure I stay fully accredited, and have to commit to ongoing professional education and developemnt as part of that accreditation. I am also covered by the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter, the leading self regulation body. This means you can employ me in the confidence that I am suitably qualified and experienced and that you will be receiving the latest, science led advice and support.

I believe it is important to be transparent and up front about the services we offer and how much it will cost. We realise getting help from a professional can prove expensive and have set out to make the prices as affordable as we can.

BEHAVIOUR ASSESSMENTS - £200  (We accept payment by Bacs)

In the first instance, please contact us with your behavioural enquiry. If appropriate, a free ‘discovery’ call will be arranged to discuss your support needs and see if our services are right for you. We are only taking on limited cases at the moment, so if we are unable to offer you support we will send you details of other suitably qualified professionals in the local area. We only take on 'reactivity' or 'aggression' cases.

Initial Behaviour Assessment : £200 (to be paid before the initial consult). The assessment process is as follows :

  • You complete an online history form and I will then request a vet history or ask you to get a vet check if you have not come from vet referral.
  • I will then arrange to start the assessment process with you. This may start with either an initial virtual session on zoom, or arrange to meet with you and your dog at your home or my private facility. We will then agree on another session to continue the assessment process, which may include structured observations at my facility with other dogs/people depending on the nature of the behaviours you are concerned about. This initial assessment may take place over a few sessions in order for me to get a complete picture of the dogs presentation and is included in the price.
  • As part of the assessment, we will look at the behaviour, and explore other possible aggravating factors such as physical or emotional pain/discomfort. We follow a trauma informed approach, and this forms part of the assessment.
  • When I am satisfied we have identified the causes of the behaviour, you will be given a tailored support plan that will give the advice you need to offer the best care and support for your dog. You will also be sent handouts and links to videos relevant to the support plan if appropriate.
  • This price also includes any communications I make with the clinical team and setting up referrals to other colleagues (such as physios).

Ongoing individual in person support sessions or coaching walks: £50 (may be subject to additional travel charges). If it looks likely a lot of support sessions are needed, a set price will be negotiated on a case by case basis. I may also refer you to local training colleagues who can offer other support services, depending on your dog's needs.

Virtual Consults - £90.

For some less complex cases, or for those who do not live in the local area and still want my input, I can offer virtual consultations by zoom. A history form would still be needed ahead of the consultation. Virtual consults are around an hour in length.